Limestone stele (less top and bottom left-hand corner - all in bad condition) with raised relief depiction between part of five lines of hieroglyphic inscription at top, three lines at bottom; depictions show male in kilt standing at left facing a female followed by another male in kilt facing left. Inscription refers to two men named Nehi, both 'dignitary mouth of Nekhen', presumably the two men depicted and includes the dedication 'it is the king's ornament Neferetweben true of voice who makes their names live'; the lower three-line inscription give titled names: lector of (?) Anubis D(ed)usobek, greatest of tens of Upper Egypt Inpuem[..], commander of the ruler's crew Renseneb, dignitary Sobeknakht, officer of the town(-regiment) Nehi, and pure-priest of Anubis Nehi.