Object Category
Three fragments of limestone stele of king Rahotep, preserving the lower edge of scene of Rahotep offering to Min in the scene at the top, and, below, ten fragmntary lines of hieroglyphs, with the ends of three further lines at the bottom left-hand corner (two now missing - also part of lines 2,3,4 in the middle), with an account of the work for the king in reconstructing or repairing the temple of Min at Koptos after it had been found in ruins. Petrie records that the fragments were uncovered deep 'in a hole in the basal clay' under the sand bed of the Ptolemaic temple at Koptos.
Collection Place
Collection Place Notes
Found in deep hole in basal clay, under sand bed of Ptolomaic temple.
Production Period
17th Dynasty
largest fragment height: 50 cms Inscribed part of largest fragment
largest fragment width: 50 cms maximum
Accession Number
Administration Name
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology