Object Category
Fragment of a flat shallow dish with carinated outer wall and wide flat rim. Unusual white-filled incised decoration; flat upper rim surface has chevrons with a line through the centre; border of incised linear crosses inside the outer edge on interior base and possible remains of a single petal on the central interior area. Only just over one quarter of the outer portion of the dish preserved. Several marks on exterior base from a sharp chisel-like object. Matte red-brown matter on outer edge of interior base and in parts of the incised decoration. Possibly modern.
- Petrie, William Matthew Flinders, Funeral Furniture of Egypt; Stone and Metal Vases, 15, 25; XXXVIII, 975.
Production Period
(possible) Roman Period - () Modern Period
height: 2.2 cms
diameter: 26.0 cms Rim
Accession Number
Administration Name
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology