Three fragments of perhaps one hieratic accounts papyrus, from an unmarked card given the conservation identity label 'layer 6' the main fragment has a name list, on the recto, of absent stone-haulers of Tepihu (modern Atifh), with second names and the section total '6 [men]' in red; there is a join of left sheet over right at 9.5 cm from left edge of the recto. Mounted in one frame.
The comments, in red, note as to why they are not there. It is difficult to say exactly what “His name is there” means but it is possible that the workers in question have “signed in” but are nowhere to be found. The writing is unclear and broken but “A servant is there” probably means that Minhotep son of Ptahsokar had sent a substitute to avoid doing the work himself. Also of interest is that Sithathor is usually a woman’s name.
Text has been translated as:
'[Regnal year ….] 11TH day of the [………month] of winter
[……………………..] stone-draggers of Tepihu who are miss[ing]
[………………………………………] [………………………]
Sithathor [………………………] Late
Djehuty-nakht [………………] His name is there
Ankhu son of Wosri His name is there
Amenemhatseneb son of Sankhi On watch
Minhotep son of Ptahsokar A servant is there (?)