Limestone stela of 'the pure-priest of Khons Deduneshmet'. In rounded top of stele are two wedjat eyes flanking a shen ring, then five lines of hieroglyphs with offering formula invoking Ptah-Sokar-Osiris lord of Djedu, great god lord of Abydos, and Anubis foremost of the god's booth, that he may grant offerings and a good burial for the ka of the pure-priest of Khons Deduneshmet repeating life; below are depictions of six figures, identified by hieroglyphs in front of each: at right a man standing facing left, "pure-priest of Khons Deduneshmet true of voice"; at centre a woman standing facing the man, "his wife Nebsumenu" with name in hieroglyphs below "his brother Dedneshmet"; behind her two smaller figures of men above, two smaller figures of women below, all facing right and identified by hieroglyphs: right man "son Sobeknakht", left man "son Khonsumes", right woman "daughter Khonsukhenetibi (?)", left woman "Khonsuemibi". Bottom outside line frame further hieroglyphs giving more names and titles. Badly damaged at left corner and right. Broken in accidental fall 24.11.1960.