35 individual bones a-ai:
Y105a Right tibiotarsus, Y105b Left tibiotarsus, Y105c Right femur, Y105d Left femur, Y105e Right tarsometatarsus, Y105f Left tarsometatarsus, Y105g Right humerus, Y105h Left humerus, Y105i Left scapula, Y105j Right scapula, Y105k Right coracoid, Y105l Left coracoid, Y105m fibula, Y105n fibula, Y105o Cervical vertebra, Y105p Cervical vertebra, Y105q Cervical vertebra, Y105r Cervical vertebra, Y105s Cervical vertebra, Y105t Cervical vertebra, Y105u Mandible, Y105v Sternum fragment, Y105w Pelvis fragment, Y105x Right tibiotarsus, Y105y Left tibiotarsus, Y105z Right femur, Y105aa Left femur, Y105ab Right tarsometatarsus, Y105ac Left tarsometatarsus, Y105ad Left humerus, Y105ae Right coracoid, Y105af Cervical vertebra, Y105ag Cervical vertebra, Y105ah Sternum fragment, Y105ai Pelvis fragment.
Binomial Name
Raphus cucullatus
Extinct. There is some controversy surrounding the extinction date of the Dodo. David Roberts states that "the extinction of the Dodo is commonly dated to the last confirmed sighting in 1662, reported by shipwrecked mariner Volkert Evertsz", but other sources suggest 1681.
Roberts points out that because the sighting prior to 1662 was in 1638, the Dodo was likely already very rare by the 1660s. However, statistical analysis of the hunting records of Isaac Joan Lamotius, carried out by Julian Hume and coworkers, gives a new estimated extinction date of 1693, with a 95% confidence interval of 1688 to 1715.
- Nicholls, Emma-Louise, Specimen of the Week Blog Series - Parish, Jolyon, A Catalogue of Specimens of the Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) and the Solitaire (Pezophaps solitaria) in Collections Worldwide - Liu, Chen, Tray of Raphus Cucullatus (dodo) bones - Angst, Delphine, The end of the fat dodo ? A new mass estimate for Raphus cucullatus