- Reproduction
- textiles
- الوصفDark brown friable linen; three fragments. Tight s-spun tabby wa/20/s/0.1 x we/200/s/0.1. A piece of modern linen placed with it (by Petrie) for comparison. From the royal tomb of king Djer in the Umm el-Qa'ab at Abydos.
- Abydos
- Abydos - Tomb of Djer
- Documentation- Petrie, William Matthew Flinders, Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties (Royal Tombs II), p 16, discovery of arm with linen wrappings.
- 1st Dynasty
- مادة
- رقم الكائنLDUCE-UC35716a
- Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology