manuscripts (object)
Fragmentary hieratic papyri, mounted in one frame (B). Two fragments of a letter with five and fifteen horizontal lines on recto, red and black traces of accounts on verso of larger fragment, in thick cursive strokes; the surviving strip is torn from the central part of the letter, and small insect-holes occur within and around the borders of each fragment. (NB Papyri published by Griffith in 1898 not in the following numbers are those already registered: UC32036, 32037, 32055, 32057).
This is the central part of a letter; the text here is the back of a strip that seems to have been torn out to use for writing accounts. It concerns what is actually owed in taxes and arrangements for collection. It would appear that the writer of the letter is four years in arrears and is claiming either that someone else owes the tax or that someone else is going to hand it over; which, is not clear at all because of the fragmentary nature of the text.
Text has been translated as:
'[Fragment i]
[………{unknown number of lines missing}.…………..]
[…………..] thanks to Khenty, lord of Kemwer […………………..]
[…………..]day in day out […………..]
[………] This is a message for the lord, may he live long, prosper and thrive to the effect that […………..]
[Fragment ii]
[………….of] the 4 years which are in the possession of the scribe [………….]
[…………….just like] every good thing that the lord does [……………..]
[……………] Khenty, lord of Kemwer [……………..]
[…………..] Herysheret, just like giving authority [……….]
[…………..] my lord, namely counting the taxes […………..]
[…………..] the 4 years with what I had brought [………….]
[…………..] the moment, also doing [……………]
[….grain] in order to give it as bags of grain [………]
[…………..] 41 in bags of grain on account of [……….]
[…………..] on account of him. This is his tax […………]
[…………..] 40. This is a message about it [………..]
[………..] the dependants of yours truly are there [………]
[………..] the accounting-scribe Iuysu [………..]
[………..] so he can come there from [………..]'.
Kahun Workmens' Town
late Middle Kingdom late Middle Kingdom
Fragment B height: 17.6 cms (H: + 5.0 cm)
Fragment width: 6.4 cms
Frame height: 30.3 cms
Frame width: 40.5 cms
Frame depth: 0.7 cms
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology