Waxwork head of Jeremy Bentham's Auto-Icon
Waxwork head of Jeremy Bentham modelled after his death by Jacques Talrich. Commissioned by Thomas Southwood Smith in 1832 or 1833 to replace Bentham's original head which was considered too distasteful to display. The waxwork depicts the head, neck and upper shoulders of Jeremy Bentham. It is hollow to allow it to be mounted on the Auto-Icon and the shoulder section sits underneath Bentham's clothes. The head is painted and grey human hair has been applied to the back and sides of the head. It is unclear if the hair is Bentham's. There is light damage to the paintwork running in a line from the left eyebrow to the right side of the chin.
Talrich, Jaques (artist) (1790 - 1851) Dr Southwood Smith, Thomas (1788-12-12 - 1861-12-10)
1832 to 1833
Raison de la création
Commissioned by Thomas Southwood Smith for Jeremy Bentham's Auto-Icon