Limestone stele for the kin, colleagues or staff of the goldsmith Keki from his offering-chapel. One vertical line at right identifies the monument with an appeal to the living: 'O those who live, [those who are on earth?', every pure-priest, every lector, every scribe, who will pass by this chapel, say 'a thousand of bread, beer, cattle and fowl offerings, for the ka of this desert-monument as is on the chapel of the goldsmith Keki true [of voice]. The three horizontal registers of the stela identify the persons depicted as follows: top register, seated man Ameny born of Satsehetepibra and Taneteteni born of Iti; top register, man with arm outstretched (reciting offering formula to them) Sankhptah, and man behind him 'his brother ..-khau born of Taneteteni'; middle register man seated at left Kunen born of Ir (?), man with arm outstretched to him Ameny; middle register, woman seated on chair Semyib born of Taneteteni, man facing her to left seated on ground, inscription uncertain; lowest register, two men seated at right 'his brother Nebitef born of Semyib' and (on right) 'his borther Iri (?) born of Wermeretes; lowest register, three women seated on ground, all facing right, from right to left 'Senebwy born of Semyib', 'Kiy born of Iti', and 'Iku born of Weremeretes'.