Fragmentary hieratic papyri, mounted in one frame. A) Fragment of letter with three black columns on recto, one column of address on verso, naming sender as Khentkhety and addressee as 'Overseer of the temple Sopduherkhenet'; torn with ant holes. This letter concerns a replacement worker, probably for a work project. It is not clear whether the second part concerning a man’s wife is related to replacing him because this is only part of a larger papyrus.
Text has been translated as:
'[…..title of sender……..] Khentketi says to the district overseer Sopduher[khenet………………………..]
[………………………..] he said “Find out who has come when he has sent the replacement [………]
[……………………….] saying “Get someone to write to him about his wife” […………………………….]'