manuscripts (object)
Fragment of papyrus from a hieratic letter, preserving parts of three horizontal lines on side with horizontal fibres uppermost, mentioning the settlement Gesiab and Ihyseneb son of Shepset, and parts of two lines of address on the side with vertical fibres uppermost, referring to the official title 'member of officialdom' (nty m srt). From the unmarked card given the conservation identity label 'layer 17' in 1995- conservation project. Lot II.9. Mounted in one frame with UC 32287-92. From Kahun workmen's town
town lot II was found at head of Rank C
late Middle Kingdom
Fragment height: 4.3 cms
Fragment width: 2.9 cms
Frame height: 30.5 cms
Frame width: 30.5 cms
Frame depth: 0.7 cms
[nb-NO]Object number[nb-NO]
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology