beads, pendants
Reconstructed bead broad collar; mould made glazed faience beads. 83 bunches of grapes; 47 white petals; 57 red petals; 27 red dates; 30 yellow mandrakes; 13 yellow dates; 43 turquoise pendants; 12 green and blue corn flowers; 23 green palm-leafs. Some beads broken. Eight rows of beads. Conservation revealed a turquoise bead (11th from right) to have a cartouche, possibly of Tutankhamun or Amenhotep III.
- Samson, Julia, Nefertiti and Cleopatra : Queen-Monarchs of Ancient Egypt, 54
- Samson, Julia, Amarna: City of Akhenaten and Nefertiti
- Stevenson, Alice, The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology: Characters and Collections
- Vanthuyne, Bart, Amarna Factories, Workshops, Faience Moulds and their Produce, 407
() 18th Dynasty - () 18th Dynasty
circa 1550 BC - circa 1295 BC
longest white petal length: 4.5 cms
shortest cornflower length: 1.5 cms
[nb-NO]Object number[nb-NO]
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology