manuscripts (object)
Fragmentary letter in hieratic with one column, sixteen lines and three columns on recto, and one column and one line of address n verso, all in black; two fragments lower right misaligned as currently mounted; sender is named as Neni; numerous insect-holes, and worn along fold-lines, with parts of left, right and upper edges intact. This letter concerns the writer’s sister, who has apparently been wrongly registered for tax or work purposes. The writer explains how this misunderstanding came about and appears to be holding somebody responsible. The last remaining line, if it were complete, may well say not to trust anything that the person who told his boss where she was registered says. There is intriguing reference to killing somebody which unfortunately appears in a broken context.
Kahun Workmens' Town
late Middle Kingdom late Middle Kingdom
Fragment height: 23.2 cms
Fragment width: 22.9 cms
Frame height: 36.7 cms
Frame width: 26.7 cms
Frame depth: 0.4 cms
[nb-NO]Object number[nb-NO]
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology