manuscripts (object)
Fragment of sheet of hieratic accounts papyrus, with field yield account in black and red, in thick, large, clear signs, on recto, guidelines on both sides but no other text on verso. Torn, with some insect-holes; upper edge intact. Pale. Petrie lot no XVI.1. In the same frame as UC32187. This text, is laid out as a table with entries divided into two columns followed by the total. The position and name of seven people are listed on the right and their payment on the left. The account records the payment made in processed barley and allocated to the staff according to their status. A few elements, such as the title, the affiliation of the directors, and the total are written in red ink.
Text has been translated as:
[The original indicates the amounts in ‘heqat’, the ancient Egyptian unit of account, converted here to its metric equivalent for the sake of clarity]
'Summary of accounts - Processed barley barrels
Director: Sasobek (Department of the Divine Councilor Iuseneb) - 4’248.3 L
Director: Pepinekhen (Department of the Divine Councilor Iuseneb) - 2’577.9 L
Director: Khakheperra (Department of the Divine Councilor Iuseneb) - 2’496 L
Overseer of Protected Lands: Imbu - 1’147.5 L
Overseer of the District: Nebsekhtu - ~2’088 L [the number in the original is not completely preserved]
Solicitor: Nenkhemsen - 1’766.4 L
The office of the Pure-Priest of the stall: Werneb’s son Senebtify - ~4’896 L1
Total - ~19’248 L
Amount of taxes as given by the cultivators, who are in the district of Shesemu. - ~24’000 L
Kahun Workmens' Town
late Middle Kingdom
Fragment height: 20 cms
Fragment width: 27 cms
Frame height: 28 cms
Frame width: 46 cms
Frame depth: 0.7 cms
[nb-NO]Object number[nb-NO]
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology