frogs (figurines)
Grey fossilferous limestone frog, crouched to spring forward. From Meroe (John Garstang's excavation Ex Wellcome collection)
Excavated by John Garstang and his Sudanese workforce from Meroe, Sudan
- Stevenson, Alice, The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology: Characters and Collections, p.97
- Al-Raddi, Al-Saddiq, He Tells Tales of Meroe: Poems for the Petrie Museum, 32-33
- Garnett, Anna, 'Gateway to the World of Egyptology': A New Entrance Gallery at the Petrie Museum, London, 31
() Meroitic Period - () Meroitic Period
height: 7 cms
length: 9.4 cms
width: 6.3 cms
diameter: cms
depth: cms
thickness: cms
Previously part of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum
[nb-NO]Object number[nb-NO]
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology