manuscripts (object)
The first of two frames that contain a series of fragments from miscellaneous hieratic accounts and other documents on papyrus, in red and black, some palimpsest, in different hands. From an envelope marked in pencil '3 lots' and in ink 'LIII scraps', and on the other side in ink the note 'One. Kahun'.
late Middle Kingdom
Largest Fragment height: 4.8 cms
Largest Fragment width: 9.7 cms
Frame height: 30.5 cms Before conservation: 30.5cm (LMB; 2018-04-26.)
Frame width: 30.5 cms Before conservation: 30.5cm (LMB; 2018-04-26.)
Frame depth: 0.7 cms Before conservation: 0.6cm (LMB; 2018-04-26.)
[nb-NO]Object number[nb-NO]
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology