manuscripts (object)
Fragmentary hieratic papyri, mounted in one frame: A: fragment with accounts in red and black on both sides, recto end of four lines of an account table and six lines of a fishing/fowling account of a year 1, and verso end of four lines of an account (very similar to B but no guidelines verso); B: fragment with accounts in red and black both sides, recto seven lines of a fishing/fowling account, and verso seven lines of a summary account (cf. A but with guidelines); C: two fragments in similar hand and condition, with red and black accounts on both sides, principally concerning grain; papyrus is shredded at edges; D: three small unrelated fragments, one possibly from C, with red and black groups on recto, black traces verso.
Workmen's town
Middle Kingdom
Fragment A length: 9.7 cms
width: 9.7 cms
Fragment B length: 7.7 cms
width: 3.7 cms
Fragment C length: 7.3 cms
width: cms Original dimension value: "4.2 + 3.8".
Fragment D (largest fragment) length: 5.5 cms
width: 17.6 cms
Fragment E length: 4.2 cms
width: 9.9 cms
Fragment F length: 5.4 cms
width: 6.1 cms
Frame height: 30.5 cms
Frame width: 30.4 cms
Frame depth: 0.9 cms
[nb-NO]Object number[nb-NO]
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology