Urate of Ammonia Calculus
Half flat oval calculus, 4.3 x 3.1cm. Composed of urate of ammonium, outer layers are impure. Most of stone is rather porous in structure and indistinctly laminated. Faint brown colour. Outermost layer is denser in structure and darker; surface is finely ... . c.1828. HISTOLOGY: X-ray diffraction Crystallography at UCL 1966: Nucleus: uric acid and calcium oxalate. Intermediate: uric acid and some ammonium acid urate and some calcium oxalate. Surface: nucleus: uric acid and calcium oxalate. HISTORY: From man of 30. Sir Charles Bell's collection.
This kidney stone is one of the oldest specimens in the museum. It is from the collection of Sir Charles Bell, a founding professor of the University College Medical School, who began teaching in 1828. Following a disagreement with the management, Bell left soon after to work at the Middlesex Hospital. His personal collection stayed behind, eventually joining the Middlesex Collection when the UCL and Middlesex medical schools merged in 1988.
University College Hospital/Middlesex Hospital
GU.51.1, BN1705, 14 BE6 & 514
UCL Pathology Collections