Fragmentary hieratic papyri, mounted in one frame. B). Fragmentary letter with one column and eight lines on recto, two columns on verso, in black; torn, mud attaching to both sides, with parys of left, right and upper edges intact. This letter deals with the flax harvest and assigning men to it. Unfortunately it is unreadable after the first five lines; the “thousand” that appears may be part of another word. It is just possible that this is the letter referred to in UC32118D; as both deal with flax and both use an idiomatic word for “assign”.
Text has been translated as:
'[A brother] speaks to his brother. Renefib says to the overseer of the temple [Iuf]:
..................] of which I reminded you
saying: “If men
are lacking
for the flax you will have to
have [.........] assigned [.............................................................................................................
...] 1000 [?] [..............................................................................................................................'.