mummy portraits
Wooden panel with portrait of a blue-robed woman painted in coloured wax. Cracked. Conservation revealed blue robe in 1975. Presented by Hilda Petrie on the occasion of the Petrie Centenary 1953. Treated at the Courtauld Gallery in 1975; retreated in 1990. Wood of panel identified as lime/linden (Tilia sp.) from sample by Caroline Cartwright at the British Museum, 1995.
- Cartwright, C., Egyptian Mummy Portraits: examining the woodworker's craft
- Jaeschke, Richard L., Mechanical Cleaning and the Conservation of Portraits from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
- Walker, Susan, Fayum Misteriosi volti dall'Egitto Rome
- Aubert, M.E., Portraits de l'Egypte Romaine
- Parlasca, Klaus, Augenblicke. Mumienportrats und agyptische Grabkunst aus romischer Zeit
- Petrie, William Matthew Flinders, Hawara, Biahmu and Arsinoe
- Stevenson, Alice, The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology: Characters and Collections
- Picton, Jan, Living Images. Egyptian Funerary Portraits in the Petrie Museum
- van den Bercken, Ben, Face to Face: The People behind Mummy Portraits, 167
early roman Period
length: 37 cms
width: 22.5 cms
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology